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Build A Better

Company Roadmap

We help you create an integrated roadmap tailored to your business goals.

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Trusted by innovative companies

Chart Your Business Plan in a 2-Day Session

Over two days we’ll help you turn your 10x business goals into reality:

1. Set your scorecard
We evaluate your key metrics to understand performance and how you benchmark. We'll then plan your business goals for the future.

2. Craft your roadmap
We collect bets across the company and assess their alignment with your goals to develop your roadmap.

3. Integrate your financials
After aligning your bets, roadmap, and scorecard, we'll integrate your financial information to complete your business plan.

How do I know if this is for me?

As your company has grown, your roadmap has become harder to build and execute.

  1. You struggle to connect your roadmap to your business goals
  2. You’re not sure what bets to place
  3. You find fundraising challenging
  4. You’re stuck in the weeds

How To Get Started

There are two ways I can help you

2-Day Planning Onsite

I'll run an integrated process to help you build a successful annual business plan with a clear strategy, roadmap, and financial model.

Annual Product Package

I'll guide quarterly planning sessions and offer ongoing insights and support, helping you stay on course to execute your vision.

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About Me

I'm Nick Gray

I’m a product executive with expertise in team transformation, strategic decision-making, and board management. With a track record of successful 10x investments, I’m now dedicated to empowering 10,000 companies to elevate their annual business strategy and get out of the weeds.

What clients have to say

"Nick’s approach has revolutionized our bottom line and the performance of our team. He instills a sense of responsibility in our P&L, encourages daring decisions that accelerate growth, and raises our team's potential. His approach won't just improve your company, it will 10x it."
- Kevin Kliman, CEO at Humi

"Nick's approach wields an ability to change the game. He has led us through the process of redefining our brand, bolstering our corporate culture, and rethinking our goals. With Nick's guidance, we've transitioned from merely hunting for profits to chasing a larger, more inspiring ambition."
- Latif Nanji, CEO at Roadmunk

“Nick facilitated a phenomenal two-day growth strategy workshop with our leadership team. Our team came out of those two days energized, completely in sync, and excited to tackle our new growth strategy. I'd highly recommend Nick for any team that is seriously looking to formalize the growth strategy for their business.
- Mike Wesolowski, CEO at Luxsonic

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